Cancellation of your order is only possible if it has not been shipped yet. To initiate a cancellation, kindly contact our customer support team at [email protected]. Upon acknowledgement of your cancellation request, your order will be cancelled, and we will process your refund within 7 business days. It is important to note that orders that have already been shipped cannot be cancelled.
The Company has a strict policy regarding returns and refunds for their products. Only damaged products during transit or those with physical defects or incorrect shipments are eligible for returns. Customers must send an email containing photos of the damaged/incorrect product within the given time frame for the request to be accepted. In case a customer wishes to return all or part of their order, they must inform the company within 48 hours of receiving the products by contacting them via email.
Returns will not be accepted for products that have been used, have broken seals or tampered bar code/serial numbers. Upon receipt of the returned product, Biotics Lab Life Services Pvt Ltd will assess and validate the claim before approving an eligible return. If approved, the customer can expect a refund or replacement. However, if the product is found ineligible for return, it will be sent back to the customer.
For online payments, the refund will be issued in the original source of payment, such as debit/credit card, bank, wallet, etc, within 7 working days of receiving the request from the customer.
The Company shall provide only transit insurance which shall be valid up to the time of acceptance of delivery of the products only.
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